Lipoma Treatment in Homeopathy–A Better Alternative to Surgery & Conventional Treatment
Lipomas are benign tumors (non-cancerous) of the soft fatty tissues. Lipomas are rarely life-threatening, are manageable by surgeries. These can be recurring, meaning they may return repeatedly once surgically removed but pose no threat to life, as they are very rarely known to cause cancer. Typically, the nodules -the lipomas- are less than 5.0 cm in size, but they can grow even larger in size in fewer instances.
Causes of Lipoma
The causes of lipoma are unknown, but it may be linked to genetics. For example, the HMG I-C, a gene related to obesity, may be responsible for the growth of fatty tissues into lipomas. Other theories suggest that any kind of trauma could have triggered fatty growth in fewer cases. But, to prove all these causes, there is no evidence to verify.
The nodules are subcutaneous in occurrence and may be recognized as soft, movable nodules under the skin, which are mostly painless. The susceptibility of males is moreover the females. Commonly, the lipomas occur on the upper back, parts of the abdomen, and shoulders.
Lipomas of the Gastrointestinal tract can be more harmful, as these may cause bleeding in the organs. In addition, certain cases of Kidney and Bone-lipomas are found to be malignant. Still, there is an increased possibility that the malignant characteristics of these (liposarcomas) were missed unintentionally by the experts and confused as ordinary lipomas initially.
Lipomas are generally in the size range of 1 to 3 cm, or in some cases, up to 5 cm. Therefore, they are easily recognizable by physical observation. However, in case of any co-existing complication resulting from the lipomas, like suppression of any veins or nerves.
How Can Lipoma Affect Health & Life?
Lipomas are rarely harmful to the individual, and life-threatening lipomas are rare. Lipomas are benign in nature and often painless. Unlike in some cases where the growth was significantly larger, Lipomas seldom do affect an individual’s everyday life.
Though the person who has these may be psychologically bothered by them. Some people confuse these nodules with cancer, which is why they get much concerned about them. At the same time, these are very easily manageable with surgery or certain Homeopathic medicines requiring no surgery at all.
Usually, people in the age group 40 and beyond are affected by lipoma, but sometimes younger people may have these growths present in their bodies.
Homeopathic Treatment of Lipoma
While the conventional medicine system primarily focuses on the surgical removal of the lipomas from the patient’s body, Homeopathic Medicine for Lipoma aims at curing this entirely without any surgical procedure.
Why Homeopathy for Lipoma?
The Physicians in the Lipoma Treatment in Homeopathy work on the principle of ‘Like cures Like.’ How they achieve is equally interesting and easy to rationalize by the common person.
Homeopathic medicines given for a particular disease or condition mimic the symptoms of the disease itself. In addition, these medicines trigger the immunological response of the body’s defense mechanism to fight against the disease in small doses. The supportive medication is given to the patient by directly acting on the disease/problem itself.
A good and experienced Homeopath will take note of all the aspects of the affected person’s life, which may include -
- Food Habits
- Life style
- Presence of any other disease in past or present
- Family history of Lipoma, etc.
In case of a doubt of possible malignancy, the Homeopathic Doctor will advise specialized tests, if previously not done, for clarity.
After confirmation, usually physical observation, the doctor will start the medication. In the starting, the dose of the Lipoma Treatment in Homeopathy Medicine will be mild, and After a few days or weeks of treatment, the Homeopathic doctor may need to observe the nodules. Then, depending on the benefits, the doctor will reduce, increase or change the medicines. It is highly advisable to complete the course of Homeopathic medicines for full benefit.
Nowadays, so many people are looking for alternative medicine systems like Homeopathy for safety, fewer side effects of the medicines on the body, and an added benefit of a strengthened immunity post-treatment. They are easily manageable by Lipoma Treatment in Homeopathy.
People can take benefits of Homeopathic Treatment for Lipoma from Dr. Singhal Homeo, a popular Homeopathy clinic in Chandigarh. You can book your appointment at Dr. Singhal Homeo by calling this number —+91 7087462000 and WhatsApp at +91 9041111747.