Can Homeopathic Medicine Treat Hypertension?
Hypertension means high blood pressure, and it is not a disease but a condition where blood pressure reading goes beyond 140/90. If the reading goes above 180/120 that is the severe condition of hypertension. There are varied reasons for hypertension, such as narrowing the arteries, the excess volume of blood, and faster heart beating. However, in most cases, there is primary hypertension caused by various lifestyle factors, including obesity, excess intake of alcohol, excess intake of salt, and smoking. Homeopathy for Hypertension offers an effective solution to the problem with lasting results. Homeopathic medicine for Hypertension is effective and offers superior control over elevated blood pressure.
For aged people, slightly higher blood pressure may be normal. But, for a young person, a blood pressure reading should be around 120/80 mm Hg.
Getting A Homeopathic Medicine for Hypertension
There are various effective Homeopathic medicines for hypertension available that are safe and reliable. The most commonly used Homeopathic Medicine for Hypertension is Glonoinum, Baryta Mur, Natrum Mur, Strophanthus Hispidus, Lachesis, Tabacum Nicotiana.
Let us know a little more about these Homeopathic medicines for hypertension!
Glonoinum is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for hypertension. It is effective when a person has high blood pressure and severe headache. If a patient with hypertension feels cardiac pain due to high blood pressure, Glonoinum proves highly effective.
Baryta Mur
Baryta Mur is another Homeopathic medicine for hypertension. It is effective when a person feels a heated sensation on the face and chest. If a person experiences irregular heartbeats, this medicine proves effective for treating such problems of hypertension.
Natrum Mur
This Homeopathic medicine is potent when a person gets inflicted with the problem of hypertension due to the prolonged intake of high levels of salty things. In such a case, the patient has swelling in the legs in the morning. Natrum Mur is also effective when the person has unusual fatigue or sensitivity towards certain smells.
Strophanthus Hispidus
Homeopathy for hypertension uses highly personalized medicine depending upon the patient’s condition. Strophanthus hispidus is one such homeopathic medicine commonly used in patients with breathing difficulty due to hypertension. In such cases, either the pulse goes faster or becomes extremely slow.
This medicine is indicated when a person feels physical or mental restlessness due to high blood pressure and is one of the best medicines used in homeopathy for hypertension.
Tabacum Nicotiana
Tabacum Nicotiana medicine proves effective if the patient with hypertension has the habit of taking tobacco. Mostly, in such cases, the patient has a problem taking deep breathing and feels heaviness around the heart.
The selection of medicines to be used in Homeopathy for Hypertension depends on the diagnosis and the symptoms of the patient. Therefore, you should take Homeopathic medicine after consulting with a Homeopathic doctor. Homeopathy for Hypertension is ideal as Homeopathic Medicine for Hypertension effectively controls the blood pressure, provides symptomatic relief and offers lasting results without any side effects.